36B Ocean Boulevard, North Hampton, NH


36B Ocean Boulevard
Friday, September 25, 2015 12:00 p.m.


Auction Type Real Estate Auction
Date 9/25/2015 12:00 p.m.
Address 36B Ocean Boulevard
North Hampton NH
Bidder Deposit Pay Online

To Settle Estate

Ocean View Home and Contents
Little Boar's Head
North Hampton, New Hampshire
Real estate to be sold via live on-site and online Auction

Saturday, October 31st, 2015 at 12:00 p.m.

36B Ocean Boulevard is a charming home located in the historic Little Boar's Head district with commanding views of the Atlantic.  Built in 1840, the home offers 2 bedrooms and 3 baths with 2,551+/- square feet of living area and a 2 car garage situated on a .25 +/- acre lot.

We have been commissioned by the Executor of the Janice Mellian Estate (Mrs. Harry Mellian) to sell this ocean view home and all furnishings for the benefit of a student scholarship fund established by the Mellians and administered by the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. 


Terms: $25,000 deposit at the time and place of Auction required to bid (unsuccessful bidder's deposits returned at conclusion of Auction).  Successful Bidder to increase their deposit to a total of 10% at the time and place of sale.  Balance due at closing in 45 days.  10% Buyer's Premium.  Sale is contingent on approval by Rockingham County Probate Court.


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